RE Topics : 【蘇珊強森傑作選】‧【限】1

20180427011724 14

消失的李子—Replay 2 by rie

Love Storm 消失的李子 smil43e9c4b8c6f8b

Warning again:這段描寫非常活生生血淋淋
為免心靈嚴重受創 smil43e9bdde1114c 純情愛姊妹請退場
不識字的可以再度利用線上字典 smil43e9c4b8c6f8b


“Umm,” he murmured, viewing his handiwork,”the gates of paradise and so very near.” Ibrahim Bey ran a finger up juicy slit,and Zena moaned sensually.Drawing his wet finger up her belly and over her breasts, Ibrahim Bey passed it over her ruby lips and pressed it into her mouth.

“Your love juices,my sweet,soon to be flowing around my cock and balls. ” He slowly eased his finger out and moved down her buxom breasts,caressing each soft,white globe,squeezing the carmine nipples between his thumb and index finger.

A low wail escaped Zena’s lips as tremulous,agitated,sensuous waves washed over and over her,moving down to her burning-hot cunt.

Gesturing to a servant, he beckoned toward a bowl of plums, and the menial presented the bowl with a bow of obeisance. Ibrahim Bey sujected the dish of plums to close inspection,finally selecting the largest and plumpest fruit. Delicately lifting it in thin, lean fingers, he proceeded to direct it toward Zena’s delightfully revealed bottom, pink and soft and denuded of hair.
…李子一登場即以迅雷不及掩耳的速度消失… smil43e9fbe307d5c

由此得知 smil43e9c49d038e8
1. Ready很久的茵娜花園已經淹大水了 smil43e9c7e935e90
2. 傳奇的李子是the largest smil43e9bc1788ecb
3. 李子伺候前茵娜已經不知人 smil446de626c22f5 的I-ku過了

這段傳奇 smil43e9c8b54d309 應該寫下外曼史上女主角被褻玩的最慘紀錄
一般外曼女主角即使倒楣落在壞人手中 smil43ed9c856974d 了不起就是這幾種糟蹋法
1. 監禁逼婚
2. 奴隸訓練
3. 脫光光
4. 亂摸一通

照理說不論面對哪種侮辱 smil43e9c49d038e8 女主角通常不會被實體侵入
可憐的茵娜不但被脫光光、下藥、除草、跳艷舞、還外加眾人前的李子伺候 smil43e9fbe307d5c

BUT smil43e9e6b5c8488 大家有沒有發現 → 遭受侮辱的茵娜不但沒有明顯的痛苦 smil43e9c7e935e90 還有點小smil43e9c8d52b26a
妳可以安慰自己因為她被下藥 smil43e9c44c982fc 處於”不知人”狀態
可是阿茵娜之所以能跟薩嘉王子匹配 smil43e9c6150f7c5 代表她絕對有其過人之處

更大的試煉 smil43e9e6b5c8488 還在後頭等著茵娜

smil43fb4ec10aa6a 詳情請期待 【蘇珊強森傑作選】: 消失的土耳其人—Recovery 1

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