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消失的紅寶石—Recovery 3 by Jasmine

再接再厲,繼續【Outlaw 劫愛】 消失的紅寶石 smil43e9c4b8c6f8b

Warning again:這段描寫很煽情
為免心臟負荷不了 smil43e9bdde1114c 純情愛姊妹請退場
不識字的可以再度利用 線上字典 smil43e9c4b8c6f8b


Johnnie walked back and handed a small flat box of royal blue velvet to Elizabeth with a warm smile. “Merry eleventh day, darling.”smil43fb49d828feb

Sitting down at the foot of the chaise, he began pulling off his boots.

Noting the Valois crest embossed in gold on the box lid, Elizabeth opened it with fascinated interest. At her fist glimpse of the dazzling jewel her eyes flared wide.smil43e9fbba8691d A spectacular pendant rested on crushed white satin: oval in shape, it was a magnificent ruby etched with a passionate depiction of Leda and the swan , and bordered by two rows of gems—first, one of brilliant diamonds, then an outside rim of perfect matched pearls. And suspended from the bottom were three exquisite baroque pearls.

后~打了這麼多字 smil43e9c44c982fc 終於登場了….smil43e9c4b8c6f8b

但這個讓依妮目眩屏息的驚人smil43e9fbba8691d 蛋形紅寶石華麗墜飾 smil43e9c82fe6ca7
蝕刻了富情慾的 Leda and the swan 圖騰 smil43e9c82fe6ca7

280px Leda

邊緣鑲了一圈璀璨的鑽石、還有一圈完美相稱的珍珠裝飾在外圍 smil43e9c82fe6ca7
底部還垂吊綴飾了三顆精緻又奇異的珍珠 smil43e9c82fe6ca7
到底會帶給依妮多大的歡愉呢? smil446b572c2bac2


”A gift from Charles VII to Agnès Sorel originally. Robbie found it for me in Amsterdam,” Johnnie said, shifting around to face her, his boots discarded. “Something for you to wear with your pearl earring.”

“It’s gorgeous,” she whispered, picturing it in her mind with her earrings—“…and Agnès Sorel. How romantic…smil43fb49d828feb

“Given in love,smil43fb49d828feb” Johnnie gently said, “then and now.smil43fb49d828feb” Lifting the pendant from the box, he took the case from her hand and set it on the floor. “Depending on how you want to wear this,” he said, holding the jewel in his palm, “we need a gold chain…” his voice dropped in volume. “Or…“

“Or?” His insinuation tantalized her.

Setting the pendant down on the upholstered seat, he appeared not to have heard her, his gaze on her breasts. “One of your necklaces has slipped,” he murmured, reaching toward her. Cupping her right breast smil43fb4c1e5a611 in his palm, he elevated it slightly, adjusting the string of pearls under and around the extravagant fullness so all the strands were back in place.

Then lifting her left breast smil43fb4bebd3c2d, he stroked the pale outside flare admiringly before easing the lush weight back into the luxurious halter. “Such magnificent breasts smil43fb4bebd3c2dsmil43fb4c1e5a611,” he said, his fingers tracing a circle around the jutting nipples.

The pink crests responded to his touch, the large tips hardened, and Elizabeth arched her back in languourous ecstasy as a heated warmth rushed downward.

“I like the flagrant display,” Johnnie whispered, the pads of his fingers lazily smoothing over the prominent mounded curves held high by the pearls, her voluptuous breast fuller now with her pregnancy.

“I was hoping you would,” she breathed, her smile lush, the pressure of his fingers sending a spiraling heat into the glowing center of her body. “For purely selfish reasons…”

Lying against the colorful needlework cushions of the chaise, her skin exquisitely white in the dissolving light, tinseled and bangled with glittering jewels, she looked like an exotic Scheherazade made for love.


請期待:消失的紅寶石—Recovery 4

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